2025 Spring (113-2) NCKU Distinguished Scholarship Reapplication(MA & PhD only)

113-2 春季班舊生成獎續領開放申請,請準備好應備文件並於申請期間內提出申請,逾時不候。

The reapplication for the 2025 Spring (113-2) NCKU Distinguished Scholarship is now open. Please prepare the required documents and submit your application within the application period. Late submissions will not be accepted.

【申請時程Application Schedule】

●申請期間Application Period:From now to Feb.10

●系所初審Department Initial Review: Feb.10~14

●國際處複審OIA Re-evaluation : Feb.19~

●國際處公告OIA Announcement: Mid-March

申請資格 Eligibility: Master's, and PhD programs who enroll in the spring semester and do not receive any other government scholarships.

申請期間 Application deadline: Jan.15~Feb.10

申請連結 Application Link: 各系所自行設置申請表單

應備文件Required documents:

●有效期間內居留證正反面影本 ARC front and back

●郵局存簿影本Post office passbook copy

●在學證明或繳費收據cerrificate of enrollment or payment receipt

●前一學年上下學期成績單Transcript for the previous academic year

●指導教授推薦函Recommendation letter from the advisor

●各系所規定之審查資料Review materials required by each department

